Автор: Валерия Иларева
Редактор: Валерия Иларева
Refugee Law Reader Syllabus, II.3.1, http://www.refugeelawreader.org
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Koser, Khalid, Martha Walsh, and Richard Black. “Temporary protection and the assisted return of refugees from the European Union.” International Journal of Refugee Law 10.3 (1998): 444-461.
Albert, ‘Governance and Prima Facie Refugee Status Determination: Clarifying the Boundaries of Temporary Protection, Group Determination, and Mass Influx’, Refugee Survey Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 1 (2010), pp. 61–91.
Perluss, Deborah, and Joan F. Hartman. “Temporary Refuge: Emergence of a Customary Norm.” Va. J. Int’l L. 26 (1985): 551.
Skordas, A, ‘Council Directive 2001/55 of 20 July 2001 on minimun standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons’. in: K Hailbronner (eds) EU Immigration and Asylum Law – Commentary. Nomos Publishers, 2010, pp. 803 – 870
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Guidelines on Temporary Protection or Stay Arrangements, February 2014
Заключения на Изпълнителния комитет на ВКБООН:
UNHCR EXCOM, ‘Protection of Asylum-Seekers in Situations of Large-Scale Influx’,Conclusion No. 22 (XXXII), 1981.
UNHCR EXCOM, ‘General Conclusion on International Protection‘,Conclusion No. 74 (XLV), 1994, sections (r)-(u).
UNHCR EXCOM, ‘Conclusion on the Provision on International ProtectionIncluding Through Complementary Forms of Protection’, Conclusion No.103 ((LVI), 2005, section (l)
UNCHR, ‘Note on International Protection’, UN doc. A/AC.96/830, 7September 1994, paras. 45–51.
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