Автор: Олга Николова
Редактор: Валерия Иларева
На български език
Иларева, Валерия, От „търсещи убежище“ към „хора“: правното положение на чужденците, които не могат да бъдат отведени по хуманитарни причини (Решения на Съда на ЕС делата С-542/13, M’Bodj и C-562/13, Abdida), Европейски правен преглед, Том XII, 2015
Тодорова, Н., „Механизмът на субсидиарна закрила в случаите на вътрешен въоръжен конфликт и връзката между международното хуманитарно право и правото на ЕС”, Сп. Европейски правен преглед, том 9/2014 г.
На английски език
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Complementary Protection in Europe, 29 July 2009
European Migration Network (EMN), The different national practices concerning granting of non-EU harmonised protection statuses, December 2010
Helene Lambert,The European Court of Human Rights and the right of refugees and other persons in need of protection to familyreunion, Int J Refugee Law Jul 1999; 11: 427 – 450.
Lambert, Helene (2013) The next frontier: expanding protection in Europe for victims of armed conflict and indiscriminate violence. International Journal of Refugee Law, 25 (2). pp. 207-234.
Ilareva, Valeria, Undocumented Immigrants and Their Access to Fundamental Human Rights, Scholars’ Press, 2013, Chapter 1: The prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment
R. Mandal, ‘Protection Mechanisms Outside of the 1951 Convention (“Complementary Protection”), Legal and Protection Policy Research Series, UNHCR, 2005
UNHCR EXCOM, Conclusion on the Provision on International Protection Including Through Complementary Forms of Protection No. 103 (LVI) – 2005
UNHCR, ‘Providing International Protection Including Through Complementary Forms of Protection’, 2 June 2005.
UNHCR, Filling the protection gap: current trends in complementary protection in Canada, Mexico and Australia, 31 May 2012, Research Paper No.238
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